10 Mart 2014 Pazartesi

Movie Collector

Movie Collector
Collectorz.com Movie Collector
Movie Database Software for DVD, Blu-Ray and movie files
Catalog your DVDs and Blu-Ray movies in no time at all.
Just enter titles or scan barcodes for automatic cast, crew & cover art.
Browsing your movie database
 The main screen of Movie Collector gives you many ways to view, browse, sort, group and search your database. The screen can be fully configured to your own liking.
Images View, List View and Cover Flow
 Switch Movie Collector's main panel (top right) between Images View, a nice wall with cover image thumbnails, List View. a list with multiple data columns or Cover Flow View, a cool 3D presentation of the front covers of your movies.

Images View:

List View:

Cover Flow View:

Group movies into Folders
 Browse your movies as one long list in No Folders mode, or group them into folders, e.g. by Genre, Format, Director, etc.. You can even use multi-level folders, e.g. first by Format, then by Genre.

Manage your Collection and your Wish List
 Manage the items you own and your wish list using the In Collection Status field.
Flip between your Collection and your Wish List with the tabs at the bottom left.

Statistics: Bar Charts and Pie Charts
 View collection statistics in bar charts or pie charts.

Searching your movie database
Use the Quick Search box on the toolbar to search in all fields of your entire database.
Or use the Filter screen to build and save advanced filters, using brackets, AND, OR, NOT, equal, not equal, greater than, less than, "contains" and wildcards (PRO edition only).

Customizing Movie Collector

Details View: Templates and Styles

 The Details Panel shows the full movie details.
Several layout templates and color styles are available. Some examples:

The Cobalt template:
Our most popular template! A centered panel with all movie information, a big trailer panel in the middle and completely surrounded by a movie specific backdrop image.
The Cobalt template comes in a "light" and "dark" style:

 If you don't like the Backdrop styles, you can choose to use the "Blue" style, which is the same as above, but with a Cobalt Blue background.

The Metro template:
The Metro template is based on the Windows 8 Metro look.
That means lots of blocks in bright colors. Too colorful for you? Then opt for the Dark style.

The Vee Eight template:
Several semi-transparent blocks of information, with a big backdrop filling the rest of the screen.

Main screen Layout
 Choose from several layouts for the panels in the main screen.

Configurable Fonts & Font Size
 Configure the font type and font size to suit your needs.

Choose your List Columns
 Configure the List View to your own liking, choose the columns *you* want to see.

Sorting/ordering your movie list
 Sort your lists any way you want. Simply click a column header to sort on that column. Or define and save your own multi-field sort orders in the Sort Field Selection screen.

Virtual Shelves
 Pick from any of the 5 Virtual Shelves options for your Images View:
Classic (No Shelves)
Wood (light)
Wood (dark)

Full Unicode Support
 Enter, copy/paste or download special characters in any text field: Movie Collector supports unicode everywhere.

Download the free trial version or buy the full version
Try Movie Collector Free
 Download your free trial edition
Available for Windows and Mac OS X.
 The free trial is limited to 50 movies.
(Of course the full version has no limits at all.)

Buy Movie Collector
 No database limits, full access to online data, free cloud storage.

Choose between Standard or Pro:

€24.95 or €39.95

Latest versions: for Windows: Cobalt.4.4
release date: Mar 05, 2014
what's new »
for Mac OS X: Cobalt.2.5
release date: Feb 24, 2014
what's new »

Adding movies to your database
 Automatically catalog DVDs, Blu-Rays discs and movie files.
Instantly download full movie details and cover art.
Cataloging DVDs/Blu-Rays by Title
 An easy way to add movies to your database:
1. Enter the movie title, and click Search Now.
2. Select your movie from the Search Results.
3. Click Add Selected to add the movie to your database.

Only adding TV Series?
Use the "TV Series only" checkbox

Cataloging DVDs/Blu-Rays by Barcode
Scanning barcodes is the fastest way to catalog your DVDs and Blu-Ray Discs.
No need to enter the titles of the movies and no need to select your specific edition, the search results will automatically return the exact DVD or Blu-Ray edition that you own.

Need a barcode scanner?
Then check out our CLZ Barry scanner app for iOS and Android:
Scan barcodes using the built-in camera of your phone or tablet.
Instantly transmit scanned barcodes to your desktop computer (Windows or Mac).
Or: scan barcodes while offline, then send them all to your PC or Mac in one go.

CLZ Barry is available for Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad) for US $7.99. For more information: check out the CLZ Barry website.

Connect directly to your mobile device:
From the "Add Movies Automatically" you can connect directly to CLZ Barry on your iOS or Android device.

Adding multiple movies in one go using the Queue Mode (Pro edition only)
 The Queue Mode lets you queue multiple title or barcode searches for batch searching and adding. Great time-saver, especially in combination with the CLZ Barry barcode scanner app for iOS and Android.

The Collectorz.com online movie database
 All movie and TV series data is provided by our own Collectorz.com online movie database.
This database currently contains over 250 thousand DVD and Blu-Ray editions, for over 180 thousand movies. It also list over 335 thousand episodes for over 6 thousand TV Series.

Automatic data for movies
 For movies, Movie Collector automatically downloads:
Movie information:
Movie title
Release Year
Cast & Crew (with headshot images and IMDb links)
Plot Summary
in English, France, Dutch, Spanish or German. (use the Data Language setting to choose your preferred language)
IMDb Link
IMDb Rating
Country & Language
Series (e.g. "Harry Potter") For TV Series:
Episode Titles and Plot descriptions
Episode Guest Cast and Crew (Director, Writer)
Episode Screenshot Images
Episode Runtime and Original Air Date

Images and Videos
Front Cover
Back Cover
Backdrop art (used as background)
Movie Poster
Movie Trailer Videos (YouTube)

Edition specific details:
Format (DVD, Blu-Ray Disc, VHS, etc...)
Edition release date

Automatic images and IMDb links for Actors and Directors
 For movies and TV series, Movie Collector automatically downloads:
Automatic Actor Images (aka "Actor Heads")
Automatic Actor Links (to the actor's page on IMDb)
Automatic Director Images
Automatic Director Links (to the director's page on IMDb)

Automatic data for TV Series
 For TV Series, Movie Collector also gives you full episode lists, with for each episode:
Plot Summary
Crew (Director, Writer)
Guest Cast
Screenshot Image
Original Air Date

Finding more cover images online
 In some cases our Collectorz.com online movie database may not give you a cover image, or a cover image that does not exactly match your edition.
That is where the Find Cover Image tool comes in. It lets you find cover images anywhere on the internet (using a Google Images search) and add them to your database in just a few clicks.

Cataloging movie files
Let Movie Collector scan your harddisk and add the found movie files automatically.
Then use Update Movies Automatically to download movie information (like cast, crew, plot & cover image) from the Collectorz.com online database.
Or, link the found movies to existing entries in your movie database.
Use the Play button in the Details View, or Play button on the toolbar, to start the movie in your favorite movie player.

TV Series Episodes
You can also link episode movie files to episodes in a TV Series entry in your Movie Collector database. Just scan the folder with your episodes on your HDD, and link.

 Use the play button to start playing them directly from your database in your favorite movie player:

Download the free trial version or buy the full version
Try Movie Collector Free
 Download your free trial edition
Available for Windows and Mac OS X.
 The free trial is limited to 50 movies.
(Of course the full version has no limits at all.)

Buy Movie Collector
 No database limits, full access to online data, free cloud storage.

Choose between Standard or Pro:

€24.95 or €39.95

Latest versions: for Windows: Cobalt.4.4
release date: Mar 05, 2014
what's new »
for Mac OS X: Cobalt.2.5
release date: Feb 24, 2014
what's new »

Managing and editing your database
 Adding movies to Movie Collector is quick and easy. But Movie Collector also provides many useful tools to manage and edit your database entries.
Editing your movie entries
 The Edit Movie screen is the place where you can edit all movie properties. The many available fields are grouped into eight tabs.

The Movie tab

The Cast and Crew tab

The Edition tab

The Episodes & Features tab

The Edit Episode screen

The Personal tab

The Covers tab

The Plot & Notes tab

The Links tab

Editing multiple movies in one go
 Select multiple movie entries in the main screen and choose Edit Multiple to make the same modifications to all the selected movies in batch.

 Add/Remove multiple checkmarks via Edit Multiple:

 Alternatively, use the Next / Previous buttons in the Edit Movie screen to quickly make similar changes to many movies, one by one.
Edit directly in the main screen movie list
 Easily make quick changes to your movie entries, right in the main screen list. No need to open the Edit Movie screen.
Directly edit text fields (like Title), choose from a dropdown for picklist fields (like Format), use a checklist for multi-value fields (like Genre) or pick a date from a calendar for date fields.

Auto Capitalization & Automatic Sort Titles
 Titles download from the online movie database are automatically capitalized, e.g. typing "american gangster" will automatically change into "American Gangster".
Sort Titles are generated automatically too, making sure that titles like "The Bourne Ultimatum" are sorted correctly.
Of course, both are completely user configurable in Tools / Options.

Auto Capitalization settings

Automatic Sort Title settings

Managing your pick lists
 Edit your pick lists (e.g. Genres, Formats, Actors, etc..). Add, Edit, Remove and Merge entries.
Assign your custom images to items for use in the tree and list panels, and the Details View.

Setting Field Defaults
 Set default field values, that get filled in automatically every time you add a new movie.

Field Names / User Defined Fields
 Change field names to your own preferences.
Use the User Defined fields to set up extra data fields for your own needs.

Loan Manager
Track which DVDs or Blu-Ray Discs you loaned and to whom.
Track Loan Date, Due Date and actual Return Date
Add extra notes for each loan
View all Loaned items, all Overdue items or entire loan history
Use a barcode scanner to loan and return movies.
Batch scanning support (e.g. with CLZ Barry).
Automatic overdue notifications when starting Movie Collector.

Download the free trial version or buy the full version
Try Movie Collector Free
 Download your free trial edition
Available for Windows and Mac OS X.
 The free trial is limited to 50 movies.
(Of course the full version has no limits at all.)

Buy Movie Collector
 No database limits, full access to online data, free cloud storage.

Choose between Standard or Pro:

€24.95 or €39.95

Latest versions: for Windows: Cobalt.4.4
release date: Mar 05, 2014
what's new »
for Mac OS X: Cobalt.2.5
release date: Feb 24, 2014
what's new »

Exporting and sharing your movie list
 Organizing and browsing your movies in Movie Collector is fun. But it's even more fun (and useful!) to take your data and use it online, on your mobile device or to export it to other programs.

Free CLZ Cloud storage
 Movie Collector comes with free cloud storage for your collection data, using our own CLZ Cloud service.

Use the CLZ Cloud to:
Always have an online backup of your movie collection.
Synchronize your collection between devices, e.g. between your desktop computer and your iOS device.
Publish your movie list online, to share it with friends and family.
(this uses a free view-only version of our online software "Movie Collector Connect").

Sign up for your free CLZ Cloud account here »
Export movie data to the CLZ Movies app for iPhone, iPad and Android
 Browse your database and your wish list while on the road with the CLZ Movies mobile app, which is available for Android and iOS (compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod touch)

Publish your Movie Collector database online with your free CLZ Cloud account
 View your database from any computer & any mobile device. Share your movie list with friends and family via your personal collection link.

Or, if you get a Connect subscription, you can add, edit and remove movies right from your browser!
[ More information and screenshots here » ]

Browse and play your movies on Windows Media Center
 Use the included Movie Collector MCE viewer to browse your collection and play linked movie files.
[ More information and screenshots here » ]

Printing lists
 Print movie lists, choosing your own columns and sort order, or print one movie per page with full details.

Export data to CSV or XML format
 Export your movie data for use in other programs like Excel.
Export all data to a fully configurable CSV export.

 Or export to an XML file, perform large or advanced modifications using 3rd party tools and import your data back into Movie Collector.

Network support
 Share one database file on a network and access it from multiple computers:
A lock file system automatically prevents concurrent editing
When one user is already using a database in Writable mode, subsequent users will automatically open the database in Read-Only mode
In Read-Only all editing features are hidden and disabled, allowing viewing and searching only
Create Read-Only workstations by running a forced Read-Only installation (start the installer with the /readonly command line parameter)
Download the free trial version or buy the full version

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