4 Nisan 2014 Cuma

CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor

CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor
The Free HTML Editor10

    The Facts:
    As of early 2014 over 30% of the traffic to North American websites comes from mobile devices. All around the world the mobile traffic numbers are exploding. This is causing a drastic change in browsing behavior and the way websites are consumed.

    The Consequences:
    People abandon sites that are not easy to use from their mobile device and are unlikely to ever return. Websites need to adapt, or run the risk of becoming obsolete.

    The Solution:
    A site design that automatically adapts — ‘responds’ — to the available display space. With so many different device sizes, this the only way to assure a consistent experience across all of them. A device agnostic layout is the core of any responsive design. A Website needs to adapt...or die...

    The Job:
    Tame these beasts with hand-coding? It is certainly possible, but can be a little dangerous and exhausting. Here’s the alternative: tame the complex Responsive Core with intuitive drag-n-drop actions. Then use The Editor to finish the job! Time to make a choice:

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